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EC JRC Project: International Workshop "Exchange of Experiences in Water Resources Management between Europe-China-Africa-Latin America"

Jun 21, 2012
Event date

The Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission together with DEVCO's support are organising an International Workshop on "Exchange of experiences in water resources management between Europe/China/Africa/Latin America".

This event is organised in the framework of the European Commission (EC) support project to the Africa Union/NEPAD Networks of Water Centres of Excellence implemented by the JRC.

JRC considers this is an important event on sharing knowledge in this domain on areas where the European Commission is working and to create close collaborations links and networks with these partner regions/countries. The participants are from different public institutions, academies and ministries.

Through its global network of Centres of Excellence in Water Science and Technology, the JRC aims at exchanging and disseminating good practises in water resources management among experts from Africa, Latin America, China and Europe. The following themes will be addressed:

·         Water Sector Stakeholder Analysis and Participation (DAY 1)

·         Water Balance and water resources assessment (DAY 2)

·         Water Quality and Sanitation (DAY 3)


This International Workshop will be an important opportunity for showing the central role that the scientific research community in the domain can play in gathering water science experts from four continents, addressing some of the most pressing issues that the policy makers face in managing this fundamental natural resource in a context of Climate Change.

The presentations and conclusions of the workshop will be published in proceedings that will be widely distributed through the AQUAKNOW platform (AQUAKNOW.NET).