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The African Monitoring of Environment for Sustainable Development (AMESD) programme has organized a “Conference on the Use of Earth Observation to Support Environmental Policy Making in Africa”, with the objective to promote an active, informed and sustainable participation of African governments in global environment surveillance initiatives.


The specific objective of the conference is to sensitize policy makers on the potential utilization and integration of the AMESD regional products and services and in general environmental Earth observation information into the development process of its 48 African member states.


The conference will be held in the United Nations Conference Center (UNCC) in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, on 22-23 May 2012, with the theme “Showcase the Use of AMESD Services for Policy Making.” It is expected to be attended by representatives from each African Regional Economic Communities (RECs): CEMAC, ECOWAS, IGAD, SADC, IOC; AMESD Regional Implementation Centres (RICs), Environmental Policy makers from each of the 49 African ACP; local and international organizations, universities, and others.


An exhibition is also organized in parallel to this conference. 


Kindly note that completed application form should be returned by fax or by reply to this email not later than April 12, 2012.


For more information please dowload the annoucement here.

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