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AMESD will organize a “Conference on the Use of Earth Observation to Support Environmental Policies in Africa”, from 22 to 23 May 2012 in Addis Ababa, on the theme “Showcase the use of AMESD services for policy making”.


It is known that AMESD has made significant progress since its inception in November 2007, in terms of improving data access with the deployment of 111 new satellite reception stations in 48 African countries, developing the first version of environmental products and services by the five Regional Implementing Centres (RICs), reinforcing the technical level of African stakeholders and establishing regional networks with national focal points that begin to be operational.


At this juncture, the RICs have the challenge to issue reliable versions of their products and services  to provide useful and specific environmental monitoring information to be delivered, in collaboration with the AMESD National Focal Points, to support decision and policy making in the thematic sectors in each participating country.  As one of the main topics of discussion in the organized conference in Addis Ababa, there will be a lively discussion to take place online on:


how can we foster/encourage the sharing and use of AMESD products and services, and more broadly Earth observation technologies and data, by decision and policy makers at national level?


The online forum will open for three days from 7 – 9 March 2012, beginning from 9:30 a.m. Addis Time, in AMESD website (


WHAT: Online discussion on how to foster the use of EO at national level

WHEN: 7 to 9 March 2012, beginning from 9:30 a.m. Addis Time

HOW: Register, Log-in, forgot your password?


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