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Topics: 01 • Opportunities and constraints for service- and resource-based strategies to cope and adapt to climate changes. 02 • Administrative, legal and institutional strategies to promote an improved performance in climate change adaptation strategies. 03 • Integrated strategies across levels (e.g.global, national, regional and local), and scales (e.g. urban areas, catchments, regions). 04 • Risk management, risk reduction, and risk transfer. Importance of promoting the participation of public and private partners. 05 • Investment priorities in infrastructures regarding (minimizing?) climate change impacts. 06 • Trends in anticipating, responding, and recovering from impacts of climate change. 07 • Continuous improved strategies to cope with risks and adapt to climate change. 08 • Planning, community-based adaptation and risk sharing and transfer at the appropriate level and scale. 09 • Capacity building to fulfill existing gaps in the water supply, wastewater, drainage and other infrastructure sectors adapting to climate change. 10 • Costs of managing risks from climate change and the ex post socio-economic losses. 11 • Equitable access to available resources and sustainable development. Key dates: Abstract should be submitted until 8 of April, 2016. Acceptance decisions will be made available at 30 of April, 2016. Selected abstracts maybe submitted as full length articles. more on www.climatechangelisbon.com |