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In preparation for World Water Day 2014, which in 2014 focuses on water and energy issues, the UN Office to support the International Decade for Action 'Water for Life'/UN-Water Decade Programme on Advocacy and Communication (UNW-DPAC) organizes this conference. The conference will focus on partnerships improving water and energy access, efficiency and sustainability and will try to draw lessons on what the factors that make successful partnerships in water and energy are, the role of different actors and how to scale up partnerships.

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Some figures...

  • It is estimated that global energy consumption will increase by around 49% from 2007 to 2035.
  • The anticipated water requirements for energy production will increase by 11.2% by 2050 if current consumption modes are kept.
  • Energy requirements for surface water pumping are generally 30% lower than for groundwater pumping. It can be expected that groundwater will become increasingly energy intensive as water tables fall in several regions.

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