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Here the PPT delivered by the facilitators of the session, paving the way for the frutiful brainstorming round tables around 4 topics:

  1. Gender analysis and disaggregated data collection. Facilitators: Michela Miletto (WWAP) and Annemiek Jenniskens (WfWP); rapporteur Lesha Witmer (WfWP);
  2. Stakeholder Analysis and involvement (incl. role of business/ utilities etc). Facilitators: Neil Doth (Aquafed) and Joanna Fatch (SANWATCE); rapporteur Murray Biedler (UNESCO-IHP);
  3. Policy into practice (tools and guidelines). Facilitators: Isabelle Fauconnier – IUCN and Chantal Marijnissen (DEVCO);  rapporteur Veronica Girardi (DEVCO);
  4. Interlinkages to the labor market, vocational training and research. Facilitators: Irene Wintermayr (ILO) ; Niang Awa Fall (WANWATCE); rapporteur: Paolo Ronco (JRC)

Outcomes of the discussions will follow soon!

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