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The NEPAD Southern African Network of Centres of Excellence aim is to promote cooperation and knowledge transfer between organisations involved in water research in the region. Currently the network consists of eighth institutions from five countries in the SADC region.

These institutions include:

The European Commission through the Joint Research Centre (JRC) funded a support project to the AU/NEPAD Network of Water Centres of Excellence in Southern Africa [SANWATCE] to help improve the impact of African research and development on the water resources sector and enable Africa to benefit from the diversity of institutions and programmes available across the continent.


Below you can find the project's results organised into  3 deliverables. Click on each link to download the documents.

Deliverable 1

JLP 1.1 Survey on requirements in higher education and training for practitioners in the SADC water sector.

JLP 1.2 Study on how the CoE could better address sector expertise for consultancy and advocacy needs for the SADC water sector

K.M 2.1 Analysis of the Aquaknow users and policy makers

Deliverable 2

K.M 2.2 List of actions and channels for the dissemination of material

J.L.P 1.3 Preparation of mechanisms for dialogue, awareness raising and coaching elements

K.M 2.3 Produce educational material - academic training courses:

- Course 1: Water Strategy and Policy in Southern Africa training course

- Course 2: Training on equitable, efficient and sustainable management of water resources – Water Project Toolkit application

- Course 3: Groundwater Studies for Southern Africa 

Deliverable 3

J.L.P 1.4 Delivering Capacity across the SADC region’s Water Sector - University of Botswana

J.L.P 1.6 Country Workshops ( Zambia, Botswana, Malawi, South Africa and Mozambique)

J.L.P 1.8 AMCOW/AMCOST and COE collaboration reports 

K.M 2.4 Report of the International Workshop on Exchange of Experiences on Water Resources Management between Africa, China, Latin America and Europe

K.M 2.5 E-Conference on Knowledge Management report

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