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The Commission proposes an Agenda for Change that would lead to:
• an increased share of EU country and regional cooperation programmes dedicated to the policy priorities given in sections 2 and 3 below;
• the concentration of EU activities in each country on a maximum of three sectors;
• an increased volume and share of EU aid to the countries most in need and where the EU can have a real impact, including fragile states;
• enhanced importance of human rights, democracy and good governance trends in determining the mix of instruments and aid modalities at country level;
• continued support for social inclusion and human development through at least 20% of EU aid;
• a greater focus on investing in drivers for inclusive and sustainable economic growth, providing the backbone of efforts to reduce poverty;
• a higher share of EU aid through innovative financial instruments, including under facilities for blending grants and loans;
• a focus on helping reduce developing countries' exposure to global shocks such as climate change, ecosystem and resource degradation, and volatile and escalating energy and agricultural prices, by concentrating investment in sustainable agriculture and energy;
• tackling the challenges of security, fragility and transition;
• joint EU and Member States response strategies based on partners' own development strategies, with a sectoral division of labour;
• a common EU results reporting framework;
• improved Policy Coherence for Development, including through new thematic programmes that build synergies between global interests and poverty eradication

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