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The WACONI is a research collaboration project between Addis Ababa University, ICPAC, Makerere University and University of Khartoum and supported by the European Union Joint
Research Center (JRC). The general objective of WACONI is to assess WEFE interdependencies across the Nile River Basin, with a particular focus on the Blue Nile Basin and the Lake Victoria Basin. Based on IGAD strategies and priorities and supported by AMCOW (declaration GA/10/2016/Dar/14) in the frame of the ACEWATER2 project, the following areas of scientific investigation relevant to WEFE nexus analysis have been identified:
1. Climate variability and extreme events
2. Hydrology, water balance and hydropower
3. Water and livelihood: agricultural water, health, quality, access, resilience

This Inception report addresses work under hydrology, water balance and Hydropower topic.

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