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The Brazilian Sanitation Information System (BraSIS) is one of the projects of the 6th Call for the EU- Brazil Sector Dialogue within “Sanitary and Phyto-sanitary Issues” component. This Sector Dialogue is based on the principles of reciprocity and complementarity and aimed at fostering the exchange of know-how and experiences in areas of mutual interest, in this case water supply and sanitation. The two key partners of the BraSIS are the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ) and the Joint Research Center (JRC) – Water Resources (WR) Unit of the European Commission (EC), based in Ispra (Italy).

The results obtained from the BraSIS project and presented in these pages are based on a previous study undertaken by the Economics and Public Policy Research Group (EcoPP/FIOCRUZ/CNPq) through an agreement (2008-2010) signed with the Ministry of Cities to evaluate the results from the National Survey of Basic Sanitation 2008 (IBGE, 2010). 

The expertise and dialogue exchanged between the European and Brazilian partners focused on: i) analyzing the management and regulation of water and sanitation services information systems in Brazil as observed from the perspective of the different experiences and know-how of the European and Brazilian experts involved in the project; and, ii) analyzing current data/information acquisition methods used by the sector in Brazil. These findings have been shared and discussed with the purpose establishing a list of recommendations for retunning and complementing other works developed by Brazilian authorities.

Table of Contents


1.      The BraSIS Project – a EU-Brazil Sector Dialogue Project on Sanitation – Clarice Melamed [ENSP/FIOCRUZ] and Cesar Carmona-Moreno [EU/JRC Environment and Sustainability Institute - Water Resources Unit]


2.      Cross Analysis of Key Indicators in the Water Sector. Brazil Profile and Scenarios– Céline Dondeynaz [EU/JRC Environment and Sustainability Institute – WRU], Cesar Carmona-Moreno [EU/JRC Environment and Sustainability Institute - Water Resources Unit] e Beatriz Vidal Legaz [EU/JRC Environment and Sustainability Institute - Water Resources Unit]

3.    The National Survey of Basic Sanitation: An Analytical Proposal for the Data – Clarice Melamed [ENSP/FIOCRUZ], Antônio Tadeu Ribeiro de Oliveira [IBGE], Carlos Henrique de Melo [FUNASA], and André Monteiro Costa [FIOCRUZ]

4.     Comments on the Design and Selected Results of the National Survey of Basic Sanitation – PNSB 2008: Water Supply Component – Clarice Melamed [ENSP/FIOCRUZ], Maria José Salles [ENSP/FIOCRUZ] and Marcus Vinícius de Oliveira [FIOCRUZ]

5.    Information Systems and Performance in Brazil’s Basic Sanitation Sector – Water Supply Component – Adauto Santos do Espírito Santo [Civil Engineer]

6.   Overview of Water Supply Services in Brazil – Débora Cynamon Kligerman [ENSP/FIOCRUZ] and Simone Cynamon Cohen [ENSP/FIOCRUZ]

7.   Geographic Information Systems (GIS) & Mapping Tools for monitoring water and sanitation services – Ronan Tournier [University of Toulouse] and Juan Arévalo Torres [EU/JRC]

8.  Information and Performance Systems on Brazilian Drinking Water Sector – Rui Cunha Marques [CEG-IST, Technical University of Lisbon]

9.  Toward an Ontology for a Brazilian Water Supply System – Sergio Pacheco de Oliveira [ENSP/FIOCRUZ]

10. Comparison of Data Sources for a Water Supply Information System in Brazil –  Ari Nascimento Silva [System Analyst].

11.  Appendix I. PNSB Water Supply Services Questionnaire. Questionário Abastecimento de Água, Pesquisa Nacional de Saneamento Básico 2008, IBGE 2010.


12. Appendix II. PNSB Municipal Basic Sanitation Management Questionnaire. Questionário Gestão Municipal do Saneamento Básico, Pesquisa Nacional de Saneamento Básico 2008, IBGE 2010.



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