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This report is aimed to give an overall description of the features provided by E-Nexus tool and to display and analyse the results achieved so far within the frame of WEFE (Water Energy Food Ecosystems) Senegal project. It was initially developed in 2017 in order to support the local stakeholders in the Mékrou River Basin area, involving the countries of Niger, Benin, Burkina Faso (Udias et al., 2018). Then, it has undergone several updates and structural revisions with the oncoming project related with Senegal Basin area, to have it fit properly the necessities of the local features to be analysed and estimated via modelling and predictions tools. At the current moment, most efforts have been spent to produce an adequate study of the area, so, other than modelling and climate variability indices previously developed, it has been improved with evaluation tools for the analysis of seasonal dry spells (quantiles, trends, etc.) and global surface water variability. In this way, it can serve as a reliable Decision Support System for Environmental Monitoring through the detection of environmental trends and anomalies at the river basin level. Giving a focused scope on the basin area, this report briefly describes the featured processes used by E-Nexus for every analysis performed on the basin, and then it displays the produced results along with an explanation of every detected behaviours in term of climate variability. 

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