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LISFLOOD Hydrological Model I/O

Jul 25, 2023
Output of spatially distributed hydrolological modeling through LISFLOOD over Africa (2017): discharge, evapotranspiration,abstraction from groundwater, Abstraction from surface water, Surface water availability in m3 for potential irrigation for each day  reservoir storage . ...

Global Groundwater Recharge

Jul 25, 2023
Global Groundwater Recharge: collection of (mean) groundwater recharge rates estimation in function of hydro-climatic and land/soil predictors in different sites of the Earth. Data, analyzed in the article, are contained as supplement material in a MS Excel file.

BGS Groundwater Productivity Maps

Jul 25, 2023
The quantitative maps of groundwater productivity, storage, and depth to groundwater can be downloaded below. Each map is available for download as a 5 km resolution grid (xyz ASCII file), and also as a high resolution PDF file.The quantitative maps are the first produced for Africa an ...

Global patterns of groundwater table depth (WTD)

Jul 25, 2023
Shallow groundwater affects terrestrial ecosystems by sustaining river base-flow and root-zone soil water in the absence of rain, but little is known about the global patterns of water table depth and where it provides vital support for land ecosystems. We present global observations o ...


Jul 25, 2023
This map viewer gives access to the SADC Hydrogeological map and atlas. The viewer contains a harmonised hydrogeological map for the SADC region, and borehole data from SADC member states. The viewer is designed to provide easy access to this information for all those who are involved ...

BMWI Hydrogeological maps of Zambia

Jul 25, 2023
Hydrogeological, land use and grondwater vulnerability of Zambia published by he Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources of the German Federal Government - Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi).

Africa groundwater altas.

Jul 25, 2023
The successful and sustainable development of groundwater resources in Africa is critical for future safe water supplies, economic growth and food security in the continent. Doing this successfully relies on good hydrogeological understanding - but much of the data and information that ...

World-Wide hydrogeological map

Jul 25, 2023
Due to water shortage problems on local, regional and even global levels, the interest in groundwater has increased considerably during the past decades. In order to support the sustainable management of groundwater resources, it is necessary to map, model and quantify the stored volum ...